3 Lawn Care tips to get Rid of Weeds!

How to avoid weeds like this in Woodbury, Minnesota.

1. Your lawn not getting enough water:

Spring time we usually get plenty of rain but as we get to the warmer summer months like July and August, you want to make sure your watering your lawn at least every other day if we haven’t been getting rain or if you notice your lawn starting to dry out.

2. Cutting your grass too short:

Many people make the mistake of cutting their grass to short especially as the weather gets warmer. You can get away with cutting your grass around 2.5 inches early spring and later in the fall when the weather is cooler but to help your lawn stay healthy, thicker and in turn have less weeds you want to keep your grass cut around 3.5 inches.

3. Not using quality fertilizer or using not enough:

Make sure you purchase a quality fertilizer/ weed control. You will be amazed how much a quality fertilizer/ weed control can do to help keep weeds out of your yard. Also make sure you know the square footage of your yard and apply the right amount. With applying too little or not often enough, you wont get the results your hoping for on a regular bases but one word of caution, make sure not to apply too much because you could damage or kill you grass.

If you continue to have problems with weeds in your yard contact us and we can offer you the program that is best for your yard.


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